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post 02-Дек-11 18:15

Star Wars: The Old Republic/Звездные Воины: Старая Республика

Год выпуска: 20 Декабрь 2011
Разработчик: Bioware
Издательство: Electronic Arts
Платформа: PC
Язык интерфейса: Английский, Французский, Немецкий
Язык озвучки: Английский, Французский, Немецкий
Тип издания: Лицензия
Таблэтка: не требуется
Официальный сайт игры: http://www.swtor.com/
Русскоязычный сайт игры: http://www.swtor.ru/
Системные требования: ОС: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo (или эквивалентный) с частотой 2,0 ГГц и выше
AMD Athlon 64 X2 (или эквивалентный) с частотой 2,1 ГГц и выше.
Оперативная память: 1,5 Гб или лучше для Windows XP, 2,0 Гб для Vista и Windows 7, для компьютеров с интегрированными видеокартами также рекомендуется 2,0 Гб
Видеокарта: ATI Radeon XT1800 256 Мб или лучше
NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT 256 Мб или лучше
Intel GMA 4100 или лучше
Минимум 256 Мб видеопамяти и полная поддержка Shader Model 3.0
DVD-привод x8 или более быстрый
Описание: Три тысячи лет до появления Дарта Вейдера (Darth Vader)

На протяжении многих поколений Галактическая Республика стояла как оплот мира в галактике враждующих звездных систем. Под защитой стойких Джедаев Республика несла свет надежды на развитие цивилизации и галактическое единство.

Однако, в глубине неисследованного космоса была создана могучая Империя Ситхов, управляемая Владыками Ситхами, которые мечтали о господстве над галактикой и о мести своим врагам-Джедаям. После многих веков подготовки настало время возвращения Ситхов.
Располагая огромным флотом и вселяющей трепет армией бесстрашных солдат, Император Ситхов нанес внезапный удар, быстро захватив дюжины миров Внешнего кольца (Outer Rim). Началась война, равной которой не было в истории галактики.

От ледяных пустошей Илума (Ilum) до пустынных равнин Датомира (Dathomir), в яростных сражениях погибли миллионы. Несмотря на общеизвестный нейтралитет, было уничтожено все на поверхности водного мира Манаан (Manaan). Его обитатели Selkath были вынуждены затаиться в глубине океана. Другим звездным системам повезло еще меньше - некоторые были полностью уничтожены, некоторые стали непригодны для жизни. Резня завершилась с захватом Ситхами планеты-столицы Республики Корускант (Coruscant) и подписанием Корускантского Мирного Договора.

Спустя годы после подписания мира галактика находится во власти страха и неуверенности. Император Ситхов занялся своими таинственными делами, а Республика пытается восстановить разрушенную инфраструктуру и подготовить военные силы в соответствии с новой обстановкой в галактике.
В данный момент напряженность в отношениях Республики и Империи Ситхов достигла высочайшей отметки. Пограничные конфликты и малые войны вспыхивают тут и там, даже на исконно мирных планетах типа Алдераана (Alderaan). Перемирие, установленное Корускантским договором, трещит по швам, от полномасштабной войны галактику отделяет только официальное ее объявление.

Новое поколение героев, темных и светлых, появляется, чтобы решить судьбу галактики в это нелегкое время.

Дополнительная информация
Cюжетная многопользовательская ролевая онлайн-игра, разрабатываемая подразделением BioWare в Остине, штат Техас, США. События в которой происходят через 300 лет после игр серии «Knights of the Old Republic». Игра будет первой полностью озвученной ММО, на данный момент анонсированы версии на английском, французском и немецком языках. Игра была анонсирована 21 октября 2008 года. 12 января 2010 года представитель BioWare Шон Далберг объявил, что выход игры намечен на весну 2011 года, но затем дата выхода игры была перенесена на 13 июля того же года. Официальный запуск состоится 20 декабря в Северной Америке и 22 декабря в Европе.
Для чего этот клиент
Этот клиент выложен здесь для того, чтобы не качать клиент с лаунчера, так как у некоторых людей не хватает скорости для нормального скачивания клиента, и попросту, оно занимает по 2-3 дня. Для того чтобы играть за 5 дней до релиза, необходимо сделать предзаказ игры. Тестирование игры закончилось 5 декабря.

Абонентская плата.
1 месяц подписки: $14.99 (12.99 евро)
3 месяца подписки: $13.99 за месяц (единовременная плата $41.97/35.97 евро)
6 месяцев подписки: $12.99 за месяц (единовременная плата $77.94/65.94 евро)
Клиент и раздача обновлена 5 декабря 2011 года, в связи с докачкой файлов в лаунчере.
Patch notes 1 декабря 2011
Build Date: 2011.12.01
Patch: 0.742.27


- Experience gains on Origin Worlds have been adjusted to help solo players reach level 10 more easily.
- Improved the overall performance of vanity pets.
- Using the /stuck command will no longer kill the player unless a safe location cannot be determined. Players can now only use /stuck every 120 seconds.
- Moving to a new planet instance no longer uses the players Quick Travel cooldown.
- Mail sent to another player will now have a 30 minute delay.

Classes and Combat:

- Further improved and balanced all class content above level 30.
- Slightly increased mouse targeting idstance.
- Implemented improvements that increase the responsiveness of combat actions.
- Tab targeting now more accurately takes into account which enemies are on screen.
- Tab targeting can now select enemies at a longer range.
- Players can now use ground-targeted area of effect attacks in a 360 degree area around their character, regardless of what direction they are facing.

Jedi Knight (Forum / Talent Calculator / Abilities)

- Jedi Knights can now obtain the Master title.

- Healing done by Zen has been decreased to 1% per tick while Juyo Form is active.

Bug Fixes:

- Force critcal bonuses conferred by Focused Resonance now display properly on the character sheet.

Sith Warrior (Forum / Talent Calculator / Abilities)

- Sith Warriors can now obtain the Darth title.

- Healing done by Berserk has been decreased to 1% per tick while Juyo Form is active.

Bug Fixes:
- Force critical bonuses conferred by Dark Resonance now display properly on the character sheet.

Jedi Consular (Forum / Talent Calculator / Abilities)

- Force Potency now increases the range of Telekinetic Throw.
- Each use of Telekinetic Throw now uses a charge of Force Potency.
- Players are no longer able to cancel Force Lifts debuff by right-clicking it.


- Situational Awareness now reduces the Force cost of Whirling Blow and no longer reduces the cooldown of Cloud Mind.

Sith Inquisitor (Forum / Talent Calculator / Abilities)

- Recklessness now increases the range of Force Lightning.
- Each use of Force Lightning now uses a charge of Recklessness.
- Players are no longer able to cancel Whirlwinds debuff by right-clicking it.


- Resourcefulness now reduces the Force cost of Lacerate and no longer educes the cooldown of Cloud Mind.

Smuggler (Forum / Talent Calculator / Abilities)

- Cover now has a 1-second cooldown.
- Recuperate can no longer be used from cover.



- Flechette Round now causes the next Shoot First or Back Blast to deal additional bleed damage and increases armor penetration by 50% for a moderate duration. It is no affected by the global cooldown and does not break stealth.
- Sucker Punch now requires 15 energy and has had its damage output decreased by 15%.
- Flying Fists damage output has been decreased by 15%.
- Sawed-Off now affects Flechette Round instead of Blaster Whip.

Imperial Agent (Forum / Talent Calculator / Abilities)


- Cover now has a 1-second cooldown.
- Explosive Probe's animation now correctly displays when the probe is resisted by an enemy.
- Recuperate can no longer be used from cover.


- Acid Blade now causes the next Hidden Strike or Backstab to deal additional poison damage and increases armor penetration by 50% for a moderate duration. It is not affected by the global cooldown and does not break stealth.
- Laceration now requires 15 energy and has had its damage output decreased by 15%.
- Collateral Strike's damage output has been decreased by 15%.
- Waylay now affects Acid Blade instead of Shiv.

Trooper (Forum / Talent Calculator / Abilities)

- Adjusted resource bar visuals for ammo gain and use.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue that prevented the skill Kolto Recharge from healing as intended.
- Concussive Force now properly increases the knockback distance of Concussion Charge.

General Combat Bug Fixes:

- Fixed an issue that caused multi-hit attacks to sometimes deal damage upon miss of deflect from the enemy.
- Calling a Medical Probe upon death now properly applies damage to equipment the player is wearing.
- The cooldown for calling a Medical Probe will now properly increase in phased areas.

Compansion Characters:

- Companion Characters now vocalize less frequently during combat.
- Companion Characters are now silent when entering stealth modes.
- Companion names now display as a Companion.

Crew Skills:

- Added implants to the schematic filter for the crafting window and to triainers.
- Slightly increased critical chance for craftingand missions for Orange difficulty tasks.

Crafting Skills:
- Cybertechs can now craft modifiable Droid armor.
- Cybertech and Artifice modfications and enhancements have been updated.
- Crafted relics and space upgrades now bind to the character when equipped.
- Crafted items are no longer created with pre-slotted modifications.

Gathering Skills:
- The highest-level gathering nodes now spawn more regularly on Corellia and in the high-level mission area on Belsavis

Mission Skills:
- Adjusted mission costs across all skill levels
- Treasure hunting relics now bind to the character when equipped
- Luxury Fabrics and Underworld Metals are now obtained through different missions
- Investigaion Mission Discoveries now yield Researched Compounds
- Rich yields no longer always provide Artifact quality resources
- Mission rewards now include higher quantities of Prototype quality crafted materials

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where Crafting schematics were not properly updating within the schematic trainer
- Learned Biochem schematics no longer disappear from the Crafting window
- Prototype and Artifact quality crafted weapons now have the correct weapon damage values
- Reverse engineering mode no longer toggles off after reverse engineering and item
- Items of less than Premium quality can no longer be reverse engineered
- Corrected refresh and mission tier issues
- Weapon damage and armor ratings listed on schematics now indicate these values on the resulting crafted items correctly
- Certain Prototype quality schematics for Artifice are no longer assigned to Synthweaving

Flashpoints and Operations:

- Flashpoint missions can now be obtained at level appropriate locations on most planets with complementary shuttle service to the Republic or Imperial Fleet
- Flashpoint mission levels have been adjusted to more accurately reflect their difficulty
- Early-level Flashpoint bosses are now slightly less difficult
- Nightmare Mode Operations are now significantly more challenging
- Corrected an issue that prevented Codex entries associated with Nightmare Mode from unlocking

Flashpoints: The Black Talon:
- Yadira Ban’s difficulty in Hard Mode has been increased

Bringing Down the Hammer:
- Battlelord Kreshan now drops loot

Colicoid War Games:
- This Flashpoint has undergone a difficulty balance pass
- The final boss no longer continually respawns

Directive 7:
- Bulwark’s mechanics now function properly

The Esseles:
- Vokk’s difficulty in Hard Mode has been increased
- Lieutenant Isric’s difficulty has been corrected in Hard Mode

The False Emperor:
- Normal Mode bosses now inflict less burst damage
- Boss mechanics in this Flashpoint now fuction properly in Normal and Hard Mode

The Foundry:
- A normal enemy NPC in this Flashpoint no longer drops boss loot


- The Operations lockout window now displays the current boss lockouts for your group members.

Eternity Vault:
- Nightmare mode chests now contain loot.
- Enrage timers have been added to Annihilator Droid XRR-3 and Gharj.
- The Ancient Pylon puzzle enemies now spawn.
- Button use timing for the Ancient Pylon puzzle has been corrected.
- The Infernal Council fight no longer resets as soon as the fight begins.
- Lava creatures now correctly spawn in the cave before Gharj.

Karaggas Palace:
- Bonethrasher no longer enters a state that causes him to cease executing his comibat mechanics.


- Custom items now appear with an orange border in the inventory. All Custom items are modifiable.
- The Lhosan Racer is now a level 40 vehicle.
- Increased the stat diversity of medium armor drops on Origin Worlds.
- The cost of Droid armor is now comparable to the cost of other armor.
- Modifiable Artifact quality items now only feature modification and enhancement slots.
- Some redundant random shield generators with Force stats have been replaced by random foci.
- Decreased the chance for lockboxes to contain high-quality loot.

- All modification vendors that accept commendation now provide a consistent set of modification updgrades for each class.
- Prototype quality items sold by specialty goods vendors that accept credits can now also be found on the corresponding light, medium, and heavy armor vendors and weapon vendors.
- Republic Fleet commendation vendors now sell the special ability items that their Imperial counterparts sell.

Bug Fixes:
- The speeder vendor on the Imperial Fleet Station now properly displays the vehicles for sale.
- Heavy Force armor no longer drops from levels one through nine.
- Some items with Social rank requirements can no longer be equipped without meeting the requirement.
- Many high-level items now have the correct apperance when worn.
- Droid armor can now be auctioned.
- Some Earpieces and Implants purchased with commendations are no longer mislabeled.

- Advancement through Legacy Levels has been adjusted; it is now slower early on and does not increase dramaticlly as levels are gained.
- Legacy surnames are now displayed by default.

Missions and NPCs:

- Experience gained from completing missions has been increased.
- Taris (Republic) and Balmorra (Imperial) Bonus Series mission rewards are now the appropriate level.


- Most Wanted: The weapon cache now provides a companion weapon.

Bug Fixes:
- Corrected several missions that failed to grant item rewards properly.


- Decreased the difficulty of several high-level class story bosses.
- NPCs will now attempt to enter cover when fired upon.

Bug Fixes:
- Standard and Weak toughness enemies no longe regenerate health while under the effects of any 60-second crowd control abilities (such as Force Lift, Concussion Missle, etc).


- The center-screen message associated with the Deserter debuff now occurs after 50 seconds.
- The decay time for Resolve has been signficantly reduced, making character suseptible to fewer crowd control effects over short periods of time.
- The Glacial Fissue Imperial Med Center is now a safe area for Empire characters.

PvP Items:
- Added two new, exclusive vehicles to rare spawn Outlaws Den vendors.
- Level 20 and level 40 PvP gear is now avaiable from vendors on the Republic and Imperial Fleets.
- Battlemaster Gear Bags are now only available from daily and weekly PvP missions.
- Battlemaster implants and earpieces can now be purchased for Warzone and Mercenary Commendations.
- PvP vehicles now have Valor rank requirements.
- PvP lockboxes under level 50 now cost 3 Warzone Commendations.
- The Overcharge consumable now increases expertise by 15% for 20 seconds.
- The PvP Heal consumable now restores 35% of maximum health.
- Valor rank requirements on items now function properly.
- Expertise has been added to many endgame PvP items.


- The Combatant medal is now awarded at 75k damage.
- The Healer medal is now awarded at 75k healing.

Alderaan Civil War:
- Reduced the interaction time for the targeting console to 8 seconds.
- The scoreboard now indicates which team score belongs to the player.
- The large installtion cannon now fires at the end of the match.
- Scoring blasts from cannons now occur at roughly 20-second intervals and now remove 10 points of shield strength.
- Art for the sky in this Warzone has been improved.

Bug Fixes:

- Corrected an issue that caused Republic players to see misaligned scores.
- Small body type characters can no longer move behind the pipes near the side control nodes.
- Small body type characters no longer become stuck in some areas of this Warzone.
- Turret shots no longer hit invisble collision areas while firing at the Imperial dropship.
- Players no longer receive a development debug message while interacting with turret control consoles.
- A visual error during the destruction animation for dropships has been corrected.

- The ball now returns to a playersin the combat space (or the middle if no player is in range) if a player uses Force Pull on a character carrying the ball to bring them into the safe area.
- Players can no longer hold the ball on the edge of their respawn zone.
- Performance inside the Huttball Warzone has been increased.

Bug Fixes:
- Players on the Frogdog team now properly lose the Deserter Detection debuff when they enter a combat area.

- The interaction time to plant bombs, extend the bridge, and lower fields has been reduced to 8 seconds.
- The detonation coundown time has been increased to 20 seconds.
- Attackers will no advance to the next respawn point until at least one attack reaches the next room.
- Extending the bridges and lowering the frocefields now count as progress when determing tiebreakers for matches where neither team reached the datacore.
- A platform has been added to the reactor room attacker spawn location to prevent fall damage.
- The Voidstar intro cinematic has been improved.
- Environmental visual effects have been added to this Warzone.
- Radio transmission and broadcast audio (instrutional and ambient) have been added.

Bug Fixes:
- Players now teleport to the correct respawn location for their side when joining the Warzone after it has started.
- A crate that allowed players to bypass a forcefield has been removed.
- Mapnotes now use the appropriate bomb planted icons when a bomb is placed on a door.
- The bridge now appear extended correctly to players who were in the hangar room as the bridges were extended.
- The Voidstar map on the loading screen is now correct.
- Voidstar maps now take recent gemetry changes into account and have been updated.
- The Revive window now closes properly between rounds.
- Fixed an issue that could cuase players to be etelprted to the wrong location during the round transition.
- Fixed an issue that could cause level matching in the matchmaking system to function improperly.
- Corrected an issue that caused players that were unflagged upon entering a Warzone to remain flagged after leaving one.

World PvP:

Battle for Ilum:
- The War Effort buffs now have a new icon.
- Ambient music now plays during various events during the Battle for Ilum.

Bug Fixes:
- Corrected an issue that could cause objectives to become stuck in the "secured" state.
- Corrected text inconsistencies in Battle for Ilum missions and objective notes.
- Players who load directly into the Western Shelf PvP area now properly receive the area status effect if a faction controls the area.
- The Republic and Imperial Bases now properly play aerial bombardment explosions when a factions controls the zone.
- Fixed a bug that could cause music events to no work properly when an Assault area was captured.

The Outlaws Den (Tatooine):
- Added two new, exclusive vehicles to the Outlaws Den vendors.
- Chests in Outlaw's Den now drop 20 Mercenary Commendations.

Bug Fixes:
- Mercenary Commendations chets no longer appear emtpy on being opened.
- The text associated with the mission for Outlaw's Den has been corrected.

Bug Fixes:
- Alacrity no longer reduces the channel time of interacting with objects inside Warzones.
- Characters now receive appropriate stat bonuses when bolstered.
- Players are no longer awarded additional stealth time when reviving if they die inside an exhaustion area.
- Players can no longer toggle their PvP flag while in contested, Team Free-for-All, Free-for-All, or opposing faction regions.
- Corrected an issue that could cause characters to rem ain in combat longer than intended.

Space Combat:

- Player and companion voiceovers now sound like they are coming from the ship intercom.
- EMP Generator damage is no longer scaled by the setting of your power conversion module.
- Decreased the experienced gain from daily Space Combat missions.


- When the Group Leader changes to the Master Loot setting, a message will now display to all members of the group or team.
- The server select screen now more accurately indicates the population of each server.
- Servers that are currently offline are now displayed at the bottom of the server lists.
- Removed the /bug button from the User Interface. Players should now submit bugs using the Customer Service Portal.
- The Inspect feature now shows some stats and other information that was previously missing.
- Clicking on an item will now attach it to the mouse cursor.
- Added the ability to right-click to add/remove item modifications.
- Mail can now be opened using a single click.
- The loot window will now close if players select Take All, regardless of whether or not items require a group roll.
- Removed the Show Coverbar button from the main UI.
- Nameplate health bars now match their color to the text instead of always displaying as red.
- Added a Character Stuck button to the upper right corner of the Help Window.
- The Trainer window no longer displays emtpy tabs.
- Icons for high-level Commendation items now indicate the item type they provide.
- The visual and sound effects for a player duel challenge have been updated.
- Stackable items are now grouped together in the loot window.
- Character limitations will now display in the error message when players enter a name that is too long.
- The game credits can now be viewed by pressing the Credits button while on the character select screen.
- The cinematics menu on the character select scree now fucntions properly.

- The Operations lockout window now displays the current boss lockouts for your group members.
- Inforamtion available on the Operation lockout window is now easier to understand and displays correctly.
- Announcements in Operations are now more distinct.
- Operation raidframes can now be toggled on and off.

- Players will no longer be asked for confirmation when dragging items off the quickslot bar.
- Quickslot bars will no longer duplicate when activating extended bars.
- Passive abilities can no longer be moed to the quickslot bar.

- Using /group in chat will now send communications to the highest group leve (i.e. Operations Teams will take precedence over groups).
- Chat channel input now defaults to /general instead of /say.
- Some chat commands have been changed. The following commands now work when used followed by player-created chat channel names: /ctjoin, /cleave, /cinvite, /ckick, /mute, and /unmute.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Chat window to be placed off-screen with some monitor configurations.

- Added or corrected images for many Codex entries and tutorials.
- Added severa new Codex entries for Ilum.

- Added seeral new tooltips.
- Improved the explanation of rested experience in the experience tooltip.
- Repair tooltips no longer display stats if the values are 0.
- Player tooltips now display when a player is marked as Looking for Group.
- Space Combat ability items now have tooltips.

- The Social Center will now update Looking For Group status more frequently and displays Looking For Group comments by default.
- The UI no longer displayes the Quick Group button when players select a character from the opposite faction.
- Updated the art for Social Center notifications.
- Inspecting other players now displays their values for Valor.
- Reduced the number of available titles from alignment, social, and some missions.

- Added level requirements to some tutorials.
- Clarified the wording of many tutorials.
- Closing the tutorial window now closes all read tutorials.
- Added new tips to loading screens and adjusted many tips such that they will display at more relevant times.

Galactic Trade Network:
- Improved the overall UI for the GTN.
- Added many new category and subcategory filter choices.
- Fixed category issues that could cause incorrect listings or other GTN problems.

- Players can now map the mouse wheel up and down to any game function, and the Camera Zoom In/Out can be mapped to keys.
- Removed several obsolete entries from the Preferences Menu.
- Moved some preferences to make them easier to find.
- Perference tooltips will now indicate which options will result in better performance.
- Chat fade is now toggled off by default.
- The Social invites as Social Center message preference is now togged off by default.
- Players will now have fifteen seconds to confirm after changing the game resolution.
- The Automatic Cover bar can now be disable via the Preferences Menu.
- Added a preference that will cause the map to flash red while in combat.
- Added a preference to toggle off the Legacy Bar.

- Update the apperance of the minimap filter toggle buttons.
- Unusable enemy vendors no longer display on the map.
- Crew Skill trainers now show up correctly on the map and minimap.

- The UI no longer enters a bad state when it is reloaded at the end of a Warzone match.
- The Warzone inviation window now reappears if it is active whent he player load sinto another area.
- The character sheet now correctly displayes bolstered weapon damage inside Warzones.
- PvP Codex images have been added for PvP unlokable entries.

Bug Fixes:
- The server login queue now displays more accurate estimates.
- The maximum count of Codex entries now dispalys correctly for all planets.
- Corrected several incorrect preference tooltips.
- Preferences defaults now have the correct initial settings.
- Shift+F12 can now be remapped.
- Fixed an issue that cuase chat to be unviewable when switching from protraint to widescreen.
- Players no longer lose their chat replay target up on area transition.
- The active companion bar no longer remains occasionally after unsummoning a companion.
- The Looking for Group icon no longer displays on the nameplaets of players that are no looking for groups.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a players Legacy to incorrectly display other player characters Legacy.
- The players castbar can no longer incorrectly display another characters castbar.
- Addressed an issue that cause the minimap arrow to sometimes points in the wrong direction and display an incorrect location.
- The Friends List now updates properly to display friends who are online.
- Trades are now cancelled when the trade window is closed.
- The character sheet now resets when reloading the Ui with Ctrl+U.
- Fixed an issue wthat caused invenetory tabs to incorrectly display their capacity.
- Items with very high prices no longer display incorrectly.
- Item preview now works correctly with item hyperlinks.
- Social notifications (like group invitations) now display and behave properly.
- Fixed a tooltip bug that could cause "Main Hand" to incorrectly display in red text.
- Many incorrect icons have been replaced.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes:

- Dark Side apperances should now always be visible to other players.
- Players who initially lose conversation rolls will now correctly gain bonuses to future rolls until a roll is won.
- Characters now face forward and move at full speed when strafing right or left.
- Players will no longer be dismounted when speaking to a vendor.
- Players are no longer invulnerable after surrendering in a duel.
- Fixed an issue that was causing lag in Warzones and Flashpoints.
- Using strafe after using backwards strafe will now allow the character to move at full speed.
- Players no longer receive rewards for participating in a single-player conversation with guests.
- Fixed several issues that caused weapons to not sheath or unsheath properly.
- Groupmates that are too far away or are in another phase when a chest is looted are no longer eligible to roll on that chests loot.
- Made overal improvements to the profanity filter.
- French and German game clients now hve their own profanity filters.
- Invalid names can no longer be created by the random name generator.

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Статус: проверено (by Fenixx в 05-Дек-11 17:03)
Зарегистрирован: 05-Дек-11 16:08
Скачан: 8 раз
Размер: 19.49 GB | 
Скачать Star Wars: The Old Republic (Electronic Arts) (Eng/Fra/Ger) [L] торрент

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post 02-Дек-11 18:17 (спустя 1 минута)

первая раздача, сильно не пинать


post 02-Дек-11 18:22 (спустя 5 минут)

она платная или бесплатный период есть?


post 02-Дек-11 18:23 (спустя 1 минута)

Она будет платная, на счет бесплатного периода официальной информации пока не было.


post 02-Дек-11 18:26 (спустя 2 минуты)

Так в неё сейчас можно поиграть или нет? по какому принципы работает сейчас?

добавлено спустя 1 минуту:

На сайте написана финальный бета период со 2 декабря по приглашениям, только так можно опробовать?


post 02-Дек-11 18:30 (спустя 3 минуты)

Стоило бы написать следующее.
Данный релиз предназначен для ЗБТ, в т.ч. для текущих выходных, этот же этап ЗБТ с высокой вероятностью будет последним. Те кто не заполнял анкету тестера до 11 ноября - не попадут уже.

Старт игры намечен на 20 декабря с.г., для купивших игру с предзаказом (или по отдельности) есть шанс попасть в игру раньше даты релиза, т.е. с 15 по 19 декабря, но уже сейчас шансы именно на 15 число минимальные, скорее 18-19 максимум.
Стоимость обычного издания+предзаказ (доступ на 5 дней раньше (см. выше), черно-желтый кристалл для оружия) 1200р., делюкс - 1599р. (то же самое + голокамера, проекция твилечки-танцора, сигнальный пистоль и личное средство передвижения). Коллекционная версия стоит $150 и нашим издателем не распространяется.
Месячная абонентская плата $14,99.

Поиграв на прошлом уикенде неделю назад хочу сказать, что игра - свежий глоток в мире засилья эльфятины, орчатины и даже не всегда съедобных f2p-продуктов. Это тот же старый добрый котор, упор на квесты. Есть три бг, как в ВоВе, оттуда же взят прототип спорных территорий на разных планетах; на определенном уровне получаешь свой корабль, на котором можно заниматсья отстрелом неписей в космосе; по мере прохождения находятся аж восемь спутников (без учета купленной игры). До этого особо не присматривался, после теста сделал предзаказ, жду 15 числа.

По официальному заявлению версия для ЗБТ (эта) будет пригодна для игры после релиза, так что кто собирается - качайте сейчас.


post 02-Дек-11 18:33 (спустя 3 минуты)

самому морги особу не нравятся, но тут написано сюжетная, да и биовар уважаю вот и хотелось бы попробывать, может в кое то веки стоящее что в жанре морпг.


post 02-Дек-11 18:37 (спустя 3 минуты)

Jacarta да, игра очень крутая... а в особенности для фанатов вселенной star wars:) я когда световой меч получил, кипятком начал писаться...


post 02-Дек-11 18:38 (спустя 1 минута)

облогу побольше, да и сделай так

Год выпуска: 20 Декабрь 2011
Разработчик: Bioware
Издательство: Electronic Arts
Платформа: PC
Язык интерфейса: Английский, Французский, Немецкий
Язык озвучки: Английский, Французский, Немецкий
Тип издания: Лицензия
Таблэтка: не требуется
Системные требования: ОС: Windows XP, h Vader) ...


post 02-Дек-11 18:42 (спустя 3 минуты)

Ц Jacarta писал(а):

Стоило бы написать следующее.

Поиграв на прошлом уикенде неделю назад хочу сказать, что игра - свежий глоток в мире засилья эльфятины, орчатины и даже не всегда съедобных f2p-продуктов. Это тот же старый добрый котор, упор на квесты. Есть три бг, как в ВоВе, оттуда же взят прототип спорных территорий на разных планетах; на определенном уровне получаешь свой корабль, на котором можно заниматсья отстрелом неписей в космосе; по мере прохождения находятся аж восемь спутников (без учета купленной игры). До этого особо не присматривался, после теста сделал предзаказ, жду 15 числа.

По официальному заявлению версия для ЗБТ (эта) будет пригодна для игры после релиза, так что кто собирается - качайте сейчас.
Ну ты сам поймешь, думаю


post 02-Дек-11 18:47 (спустя 5 минут)

Ц Jacarta писал(а):

Месячная абонентская плата $14,99.
Это можно себе позволить :)


post 02-Дек-11 18:54 (спустя 7 минут)

Ц free111 писал(а):

Ц Jacarta писал(а):

Стоило бы написать следующее.

Поиграв на прошлом уикенде неделю назад хочу сказать, что игра - свежий глоток в мире засилья эльфятины, орчатины и даже не всегда съедобных f2p-продуктов. Это тот же старый добрый котор, упор на квесты. Есть три бг, как в ВоВе, оттуда же взят прототип спорных территорий на разных планетах; на определенном уровне получаешь свой корабль, на котором можно заниматсья отстрелом неписей в космосе; по мере прохождения находятся аж восемь спутников (без учета купленной игры). До этого особо не присматривался, после теста сделал предзаказ, жду 15 числа.

По официальному заявлению версия для ЗБТ (эта) будет пригодна для игры после релиза, так что кто собирается - качайте сейчас.
Ну ты сам поймешь, думаю
Поймет большинство, не с линью же сравнивать.


post 02-Дек-11 19:09 (спустя 15 минут)

Сейчас обновлю раздачу, там лаунчер некоторые файлы докачал.


post 02-Дек-11 19:25 (спустя 15 минут)

был приглашен на бетку, побегал, покачался ... все же буду ждать полную версию... которую уже предзаказал


post 02-Дек-11 19:39 (спустя 14 минут)



post 02-Дек-11 19:49 (спустя 9 минут)

а на русском будет? если будет, то кто локализует?


post 02-Дек-11 19:51 (спустя 2 минуты)

Пока про русский вообще ничего не известно. Но я думаю от каких нибудь команд все равно хотя бы субтитры будут в будущем.


post 02-Дек-11 20:00 (спустя 8 минут)

извините , я в ммо не знаток , в данную версию можно уже поиграть?


post 02-Дек-11 20:02 (спустя 2 минуты)

Ц aleksanpetelin писал(а):

извините , я в ммо не знаток , в данную версию можно уже поиграть?
2 пост темы.


post 02-Дек-11 20:50 (спустя 48 минут)

Ц Jacarta писал(а):

2 пост темы.
так написано таблетка не требуется! играть можно или нет?

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