
Скачать торрент [CFW] [4.65\4.66] Rebug 4.65.2 CEX + Cobra 7.03 + Toolbox 2.02.02

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post 14-Янв-15 08:48

Official – Rebug 4.65.2 – Cobra 7.03 – Toolbox 2.02.02 – Jan. 2015
Официальный релиз от 13 января от Rebug
MD5: c18eecd7e91320e759432f21d07b1f4c
Size: 213 MB (213,348,752 bytes).

Перед установкой прошивки обязательно извлеките Blu-Ray диск с игрой из PS3, если таковой имеется в приводе (это необходимо по той причине, что PS3 сначала обновляется с диска).
1. Скопируйте файл с прошивкой PS3UPDAT.PUP на USB флешку (FAT32) в папку PS3/UPDATE.
2. Вставьте USB флешку в PS3.
3. Включите PS3.
4. На PS3 выберете обновление системы, обновление с носителя информации, далее следовать инструкции на экране.
5. Прошивка установлена.

P.S если вы пользователь FAT версии плойки и у вас слишком сильно гудят вентиляторы, в настройках Rebug выключите галочку автонастройки оборотов.
Если вам нужна DEX версия - ссылка на сайте
Если хотите в PSN включите в настройках Ребаг 4.66 спуф
По умолчанию функции Кобры выключены, если вы хотите функции Кобры - включите Кобру в настройках Ребаг.
FEATURE – Dual LV2 Kernels CEX/DEX
(Swap your EID0/LV2 kernel using Rebug Toolbox in seconds)
FEATURE – ALL Retail functions available in CEX mode
(No need to install different firmware)
FEATURE – ALL Debug functions available in DEX mode
(No need to install different firmware)
FEATURE – ProDG Connectivity in DEX mode
(Full Support on Normal mode, Partial Support on Cobra mode)
FEATURE – QA Token compatibility
FEATURE – OtherOS++ support enabled
(Use Rebug Toolbox to Boot OtherOS with different LV1 patches)
FEATURE – Package Manager
(Replacement for the standard ‘Install Package Files’ option)
INCLUDED – Rebug Toolbox 02.02.02
(Install included Rebug Toolbox or higher for full compatibility)
PATCHED – LV1: Disable System Integrity Check
(Safe to use with mismatched COREOS/SYSCON versions or if PS3 is not QA enabled)
PATCHED – LV1: Undocumented function 114
(Allow mapping of protected memory)
PATCHED – LV1: Skip all ACL Checks
(Needed to allow booting of OtherOS)
PATCHED – LV1: Peek and Poke support
(Unused LV1 call 182 and 183)
PATCHED - LV2: Peek and Poke support
(LV2 Syscall 6 and 7)
PATCHED - LV2: Peek and Poke support for LV1
(LV2 Syscall 8 and 9)
PATCHED - LV2: LV1 CALL System call
(LV2 Syscall 10)
PATCHED - VSH: Allow Unsigned act.dat and *.rif files
PATCHED - VSH: Disable Unlinking/Deleting of act.dat
FUN FEATURE – Fake Save Data Owner
(Use Game Saves from ANY Owner)
FUN FEATURE – Enhanced Remote Play with PC
(This unlocks the limitation of working apps/games for remote play with PC )
FUN FEATURE – Lock/Unlock Trophies
FEATURE – RSOD Bypass for Installation Only
(This does not fix the issue itself, but This will allow PS3 to boot fine)
FUN FEATURE – Cinavia protection fully disabled
(Supports optical media/bd iso, AACS must be decrypted)
FEATURE – Cobra 7.03
(Disabled by default, Toolbox required to enable)
(Full Webman intergration supports both CEX/DEX 4.65)
FEATURE – 4.66 Version Spoofer
(REBUG Mode on TOOLBOX is required for PSN /SEN Access, until next OFW update)
Package Manager is a replacement for the standard Install Package Files option under Game in the XMB. It allows for the install and deletion of .pkg files from dev_hdd0/packages, dev_usb/packages and the standard Install Package Files locations. In addition to this, your downloaded PSN content ‘bubbles’ will appear under this option instead of cluttering your Game menu with uninstalled content.

Navigate to Game in your XMB and click on Package Manager (It will be where Install Package Files usually is). You will find three options.

PlayStation®Network Content
Manage your downloaded PlayStation®Network Content.

Install Package Files
INSTALL package files from Storage Devices and your PS3.

PS3 Hard Disk (dev_hdd0/packages)
Package Folder (dev_usb/packages)
Standard Package Location (Standard Install Package Files locations)

NOTE: The Install All Packages is only available by pressing the TRIANGLE button when the Standard Package Location option is highlighted because the PS3 will only install ALL packages from the root of a storage device as of the moment.

Delete Package Files
DELETE package files from Storage Devices and your PS3.

PS3 Hard Disk (dev_hdd0/packages)
Package Folder (dev_usb/packages)
Standard Package Location (Standard Install Package Files locations)

1: Highlight the file you would like to delete and press TRIANGLE. The sidebar should appear.
2: Press CROSS on either Unlink or Unlink(Folder) (Both do the same thing for now).
Rebug Toolbox is application designed to complete the full function of REBUG REX EDITION firmwares. Besides from performing the CEX/DEX EID0 and LV2 Kernel Swapping it is also an FTP server and is packed with a bunch of other useful tools.

1: In the PS3 XMB go to Game menu
2: Select Package Manager
3: Select Install Package Files
4: Select PS3 Hard Disk
5: Select REBUG-TOOLBOX-02.xx.xx.pkg
Cobra 7.03
What is Cobra 7.XX?
Cobra 6.0 and lower was CobraUSB and needed a USB dongle to use its unique features,. This was the first product by the Cobra Team who is now behind the CobraODE. After the Cobra Team launched the first ODE device, Community News Writer STLcardsWS inquired about the future of the CobraUSB device as it seemed to be shelved (unofficially at the time). STLcardsWS according to the Cobra Team Representative Magneto asked if the device could be made open source for the community, since the team had all but moved onto ODE products. That is when Team Cobra gave in and threw a bone to the PS3 Homebrew Community. Shortly, after that time is when we seen the first official source code release of CobraUSB (link of this story). While this proved to be a huge advancement in the PS3 development community it however was a rough release as it contained all the USB security source code also. While developer’s like u$er was able to use parts and makes sense of some of the functions (which helped create PRX Loader, the first plugin system for the PS3)., most developer struggled with the source as it had alot of unnecessary parts included to protect the USB device when the Cobra Devs wanted to keep this system closed sourced. .

Several weeks later, the Lead CobraUSB developer (who was not aware of the first release when it happened) released the first Dongle-Less Cobra CFW using Rogero’s 4.46 CFW as a base. The developer also updated Cobra 6.0 to Cobra 7.0 with new features and cleaned the source removing all the security garbage (link to this story). Thus making it a complete release with full instructions and details for scene developers. Since that time we have seen its evolve and added to many CFW’s. Below you can view some of the features that are built into Cobra System with some additional explanations.

How to Enable Cobra Features:

By default Cobra 7.03 is disabled, to enable the Cobra Features simply access the REBUG Toolbox.
1: On the XMB select Package Manager
2: Select Install Package Files
3: Select PS3 System Storage
4: Select REBUG-TOOLBOX-02.02.02.pkg
5: Access Rebug Toolbox from XMB
6: Scroll to 2nd column Selector, and select 3rd option Toggle Cobra Mode
7: Select Enable, and system will reboot with Cobra now enabled on the CFW.
OtherOS++ is supported by all REBUG REX EDITIONS and will detect your existing OtherOS HDD partition.

However none of the REBUG REX EDITIONS have emer_init.self patched (create smaller GameOS partition). We are working on a solution to this from GameOS.

In the meantime if you do want to create an OtherOS partition you have two options:

1: Use a 3.55 firmware that already has emer_init.self patched to the size you want.
2: Patch REBUG 3.55.x REX EDITION in PS3MFW Builder

If you choose option 2 we highly recommend that you ONLY patch emer_init.self. Also the resulting PUP will only be able to be installed on 3.55 firmware as the spkg_hdr will be mismatched.
Known Bug(s)
*PS2 Pad Sync is currently fixed with PS2 Launcher work around, however small amount of users may have sync issues,

in this case, Please use toggle ps2 emulation via Standalone Rebug toolbox pkg with original PS2 emulator files.

Download available via link below [REBUG TOOLBOX 2.02.02_PS2]

In this case, PS2 ISO compatibility is disabled, due to usage of the original PS2 emu files without Cobra payload.

*TMAPI is supported on both Cobra / non-Cobra mode, however, ProDG is not fully functional while on Cobra mode,

Game modding is supported while on Cobra mode, but for debugging purpose, disabling Cobra is recommended for stability.

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Статус: проверено (by cv1 в 14-Янв-15 20:52)
Зарегистрирован: 14-Янв-15 08:54
Скачан: 343 раза
Размер: 203 MB | 
Скачать [CFW] [4.65\4.66] Rebug 4.65.2 CEX + Cobra 7.03 + Toolbox 2.02.02 торрент

Похожие раздачи


post 14-Янв-15 10:17 (спустя 1 час 28 минут)

Парни? Кто сможет подсказать по прошивке(проконсультировать). Желательно по скайпу. Что да как. Боюсь накасячить. А то я чайник и впервые прошивать буду. Если кто откликнется - милости прошу в личку. Заранее благодарен.


post 14-Янв-15 11:04 (спустя 46 минут)

на последний OFW все еще нельзя накатить?


post 14-Янв-15 11:31 (спустя 27 минут)


добавлено спустя 26 минут:

Прошивку настроил, протестил, полёт нормальный :)
Скрытый текст
Спуф работает, в ПСН заходит) юзаю кстати ПСН с 2013 года после выхода ГТА Онлайн, до сих пор не забанили...тьфу тьфу тьфу))


post 14-Янв-15 18:41 (спустя 7 часов)

На SuperSlim 14 года ставить бесполезно??


post 14-Янв-15 18:44 (спустя 2 минуты)

конечно, суперслим про прошивку могут забыть

Cobolt 60

post 14-Янв-15 19:40 (спустя 56 минут)

Наверх Rogero ставить можно?


post 14-Янв-15 19:53 (спустя 12 минут)

Список разрешенных фотохостингов


post 14-Янв-15 20:36 (спустя 43 минуты)


Наверх Rogero ставить можно?


post 14-Янв-15 20:51 (спустя 15 минут)

Ц Exorcisto писал(а):


Наверх Rogero ставить можно?
Да можно.


post 17-Янв-15 11:48 (спустя 2 дня 14 часов)

А из рекавери моно обновлять эту прошивку поверх роджеры 4.55?


post 17-Янв-15 11:59 (спустя 11 минут)



post 17-Янв-15 12:46 (спустя 46 минут)

Спасибо) Ну попробую чтоли) Хочется Резидентов переизданных поиграть О:)
Последний вопрос - откатиться потом если что на 4.55 роджеру назад получится, просто установкой той прошивки?


post 17-Янв-15 13:52 (спустя 1 час 6 минут)

Нет, даунгрейдить таким образом нельзя, раньше можно было только флешером прошивать чип обратно на 3.55, но пока я был в армии вроде вышло несколько программ от Роджеро и Ребага которые вроде бы позволяют даунгрейдить прошивки, сам не пользовался, не знаю.


post 17-Янв-15 17:32 (спустя 3 часа)

прошивка стабильная.все работает без проблем


post 18-Янв-15 14:55 (спустя 21 час)

Скачать кто даст? :?

В "онлайн" на этой прошивке можно выходить?


post 18-Янв-15 19:06 (спустя 4 часа)

Народ,у меня была установлена 4.46 rebug lite,а так же был активирован рап файл с помощью reactpsn для запуска игр от ПС2,создался пользователь reActPSN v2.0 1rif Oedat
Сейчас обновил на Rebug 4.65.2 – Cobra 7.03 и этот пользователь остался,он вообще нужен на этой прошивке? если нет,то как его удалить?


post 18-Янв-15 20:44 (спустя 1 час 37 минут)

Тут походу дела интересоваться не у кого. Как мертвый лес.


post 19-Янв-15 00:26 (спустя 3 часа)

Разобрался немного,для запуска PS2 игр на консолях без обратной совместимости нужно один хрен активировать этот rap файл через reactpsn
Cobra 7.03 PS2 Features (4.65 Cobra)

PlayStation 2 on NON-BC Consoles
Software (SW) Emulation:Support for PS2 ISOs in non BC consoles was removed in Cobra 4.30 (usb), due tops2_softemu missing. It has been re-enabled now by hacking of ps2_netemu. You can use it in the same way as before, just load an ISO and launch from disc icon, Cobra core takes care of rest. No need for encrypted isos, isos patched with limg sectors, etc. Just your normal PS2 isos dumped from discs. However, there is no support for optical discs in ps2_netemu.Note 1: Don’t forget to set the memory cards in XMB, in the old memory card utility for PS/PS2, as ps2_netemu won’t let you assign them in game.Note 2: Please use PS2 ISO / Classic Launcher (non-BC only for wireless sync issue) method to fix the issue with wireless pad sync issue. RAP activation via reactPSN is required


post 19-Янв-15 00:52 (спустя 26 минут)

Я др отмечал, мне не до раздач было))
в онлайн можно выходить (в шапке же написано) на свой страх и риск

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