
Скачать торрент Windows ALL with Update [40 ISO] AIO (x86-x64) v21.12.24 [2021,Multi/Ru]

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post 31-Дек-21 04:19

Windows ALL with Update [530in1] AIO (x86-x64) v21.12.24

Год выпуска: 2021
Версия: v21.12.24
Адрес оф. сайта: Microsoft
Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский
Операционная система: Windows Server | Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 (x86-x64)
Лекарство: требуется, но отсутствует
Системные требования:
• Процессор: Процессор с частотой 1 гигагерц (ГГц) или быстрее или система на кристалле SoC.
• ОЗУ: 1 гигабайт (ГБ) для 32-разрядных систем или 2 ГБ для 64-разрядных систем.
• Место на жестком диске: 20 ГБ для 32-разрядных систем или 40 ГБ для 64-разрядных систем.
• Видеоадаптер: DirectX 9 или более поздней версии с драйвером WDDM 1.0.
• Дисплей: 800 x 600.
• Интернет-соединение: Для выполнения обновлений и работы определенных функций требуется подключение к Интернету.
Сборка сделана на основе сборок, которые были собраны за ноябрь и декабрь 2021 года. Были интегрированы обновления по 14 декабря 2021 года, а также интегрирован SmartFix 2.4.1 и Microsoft DaRT. В ней нет никаких косметических изменений и ничего не вырезано!

Особенности сборки:
— Интегрированы обновления по 14 декабря 2021 года;
— Интегрирован .Net Framework 4.8 и к нему обновления (не считая Windows 7 и Server 2008R2);
— Включен .Net Framework 3.5 (включая 2.0 и 3.0);
— Интегрирован SmartFix 2.4.1, Microsoft DaRT в winre.wim и boot.wim;
— Системы не были в режиме аудита.
Список сборок, включенный в данный комплект:
• Windows 7 SP1 with Update [7601.25796] AIO (x86-x64) (v21.12.15) [Multi36]
• Windows 8.1 with Update [9600.20207] AIO (x86-x64) (v21.12.15) [Multi37]
• Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB with Update [10240.19145] (x86-x64) (v21.12.15) [Multi39]
• Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB with Update [14393.4825] (x86-x64) (v21.12.15) [Multi38]
• Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC with Update [17763.2366] AIO (x86-x64) (v21.12.15) [Multi38]
• Windows 10 Enterprise 2021 LTSC with Update [19044.1415] AIO (x86-x64) (v21.12.15) [Multi38]
• Windows 10, Version 21H2 with Update [19044.1415] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.12.15) [Multi38]
• Windows 11, Version 21H2 with Update [22000.376] AIO (arm64-x64) (v21.12.15) [Multi38]
• Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 with Update [7601.25796] AIO (x64) (v21.12.15) [Multi19]
• Windows Server 2012 R2 with Update [9600.20207] AIO (x64) (v21.12.15) [Multi19]
• Windows Server 2016 with Update [14393.4825] AIO (x64) (v21.12.15) [Multi18]
• Windows Server 2019 with Update [17763.2366] AIO (x64) (v21.12.15) [Multi18]
• Windows Server 2022 with Update [20348.405] AIO (x64) (v21.12.15) [Multi18]
• Windows 10, Version 1507 with Update [10240.17394] AIO (x64-x86) (v21.11.02) [Multi39] [All - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1511 with Update [10586.1176] AIO (x64-x86) (v21.11.03) [Multi39] [Home & Pro - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1511 with Update [10586.1540] AIO (x64-x86) (v21.11.06) [Multi39] [Education & Enterprise - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1607 with Update [14393.2214] AIO (x64-x86) (v21.11.02) [Multi38] [Home & Pro - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1607 with Update [14393.2906] AIO (x64-x86) (v21.11.06) [Multi38] [Education & Enterprise - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1703 with Update [15063.1418] AIO (x64-x86) (v21.11.03) [Multi39] [Home & Pro - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1703 with Update [15063.2078] AIO (x64-x86) (v21.11.06) [Multi39] [Education & Enterprise - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1709 with Update [16299.1087] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.11.03) [Multi38] [Home & Pro - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1709 with Update [16299.2166] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.11.06) [Multi38] [Education & Enterprise - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1803 with Update [17134.1304] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.11.03) [Multi38] [Home - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1803 with Update [17134.2208] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.11.06) [Multi38] [Pro, Education, Enterprise - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1809 with Update [17763.1577] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.11.03) [Multi38] [Home - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1809 with Update [17763.1935] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.11.06) [Multi38] [Pro, Education, Enterprise - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1903 with Update [18362.1256] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.11.01) [Multi38] [All - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1909 with Update [18363.1556] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.11.06) [Multi38] [Home - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 1909 with Update [18363.1977] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.12.15) [Multi38]
• Windows 10, Version 2004 with Update [19041.1415] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.12.15) [Multi38] [All - Final]
• Windows 10, Version 20H2 with Update [19042.1415] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.12.15) [Multi38]
• Windows 10, Version 21H1 with Update [19043.1415] AIO (arm64-x64-x86) (v21.12.15) [Multi38]
Список редакций windows доступных для установки:
Arabic (ar_windows_all_with_update_aio_252in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Bulgarian (bg_windows_all_with_update_aio_410in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Chinese (Simplified) (cn_windows_all_with_update_aio_331in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 家庭普通版 (x64)
Windows 7 家庭高级版 (x64)
Windows 7 专业版 (x64)
Windows 7 旗舰版 (x64)
Windows 7 企业版 (x64)
Windows 7 简易版 (x86)
Windows 7 家庭普通版 (x86)
Windows 7 家庭高级版 (x86)
Windows 7 专业版 (x86)
Windows 7 旗舰版 (x86)
Windows 7 企业版 (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 单语言版 (x64)
Windows 8.1 专业版 (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 企业版 (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 单语言版 (x86)
Windows 8.1 专业版 (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 企业版 (x86)
Windows 10 企业版 2015 长期服务方案 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 企业版 2015 长期服务方案 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 企业版 2016 长期服务版 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 企业版 2016 长期服务版 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 企业版 LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 企业版 LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 企业版 LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 企业版 LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 21H2)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 21H2)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 家庭版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 专业版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 专业教育版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 专业工作站版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 专业单语言版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 教育版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 企业版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 企业版多会话 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 IoT 企业版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (完全安装) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (服务器核心安装) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (完全安装) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (服务器核心安装) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (完全安装) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (服务器核心安装) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (完全安装) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (服务器核心安装) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (服务器核心安装) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (带有 GUI 的服务器 (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (服务器核心安装) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (带有 GUI 的服务器 (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (带有 GUI 的服务器 (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server 2016 (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (桌面体验) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (桌面体验) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (桌面体验) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (桌面体验) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (Desktop Experience) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (Desktop Experience) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1803)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1803)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1809)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1809)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1903)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1903)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1909)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1909)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 2004)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 2004)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 20H2)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 20H2)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 ((x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 专业版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 专业中文版 ((x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 21H1)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 家庭版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 家庭中文版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 专业版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 家庭单语言版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 专业教育版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 专业工作站版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 专业中文版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 专业单语言版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 21H1)
适用于虚拟桌面的 Windows 10 企业版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT 企业版 (x86 - 21H1)
Chinese (Hong Kong SAR) (hk_windows_all_with_update_aio_63in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 家用入門版 (x64)
Windows 7 家用進階版 (x64)
Windows 7 專業版 (x64)
Windows 7 旗艦版 (x64)
Windows 7 企業版 (x64)
Windows 7 簡易版 (x86)
Windows 7 家用入門版 (x86)
Windows 7 家用進階版 (x86)
Windows 7 專業版 (x86)
Windows 7 旗艦版 (x86)
Windows 7 企業版 (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 專業版 (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 企業版 (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 專業版 (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 企業版 (x86)
Windows 10 企業版 2015 長期維護 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 企業版 2015 長期維護 (x86 - 1507)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (完整安裝) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Server Core 安裝) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (完整安裝) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Server Core 安裝) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (完整安裝) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Server Core 安裝) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (完整安裝) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Server Core 安裝) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server Core 安裝в) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server 含 GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server Core 安裝в) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server 含 GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (Server 含 GUI) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1703)
Chinese (Traditional) (ct_windows_all_with_update_aio_275in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 家用入門版 (x64)
Windows 7 家用進階版 (x64)
Windows 7 專業版 (x64)
Windows 7 旗艦版 (x64)
Windows 7 企業版 (x64)
Windows 7 簡易版 (x86)
Windows 7 家用入門版 (x86)
Windows 7 家用進階版 (x86)
Windows 7 專業版 (x86)
Windows 7 旗艦版 (x86)
Windows 7 企業版 (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 專業版 (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 企業版 (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 專業版 (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 企業版 (x86)
Windows 10 企業版 2015 長期維護 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 企業版 2015 長期維護 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 企業版 2016 長期維護 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 企業版 2016 長期維護 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 企業版 LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 企業版 LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 企業版 LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 企業版 LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 21H2)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 21H2)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 家用版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 專業版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 家用版%1 單一語言 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 專業教育版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 工作站專業版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 專業版單一語言 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 教育版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 企業版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 企業版多重工作階段 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 IoT 企業版 (x64 - 21H2)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (完整安裝) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Server Core 安裝) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (完整安裝) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Server Core 安裝) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (完整安裝) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Server Core 安裝) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (完整安裝) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Server Core 安裝) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server Core 安裝в) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server 含 GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server Core 安裝в) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server 含 GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (Server 含 GUI) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server 2016 (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (桌面體驗) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (桌面體驗) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (桌面體驗) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (桌面體驗) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (桌面體驗) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (桌面體驗) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1803)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1803)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1809)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1809)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1903)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1903)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1909)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1909)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 2004)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 2004)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 20H2)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 20H2)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 家用版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 專業版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 教育版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 21H1)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 家用版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 專業版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 家用版%1 單一語言 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 專業教育版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 工作站專業版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 專業版單一語言 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 教育版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 21H1)
適用於虛擬桌面 %1%2 的 Windows 10 企業版 (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT 企業版 (x86 - 21H1)
Croatian (hr_windows_all_with_update_aio_410in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Czech (cs_windows_all_with_update_aio_443in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (·plnс instalace) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (instalace jсdra serveru) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (·plnс instalace) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (instalace jсdra serveru) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (·plnс instalace) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (instalace jсdra serveru) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (·plnс instalace) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (instalace jсdra serveru) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (instalace jсdra serveru) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (server s grafick¤m uivatelsk¤m rozhranэm) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (instalace jсdra serveru) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (server s grafick¤m uivatelsk¤m rozhranэm) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (server s grafick¤m uivatelsk¤m rozhranэm) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (Desktopovщ prostedэ) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Desktopovщ prostedэ) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (Desktopovщ prostedэ) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (Desktopovщ prostedэ) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (Desktopovщ prostedэ) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (Desktopovщ prostedэ) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Danish (da_windows_all_with_update_aio_410in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Dutch (nl_windows_all_with_update_aio_443in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (volledige installatie) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Server Core-installatie) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (volledige installatie) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Server Core-installatie) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (volledige installatie) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Server Core-installatie) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (volledige installatie) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Server Core-installatie) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server Core-installatie) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (server met een GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server Core-installatie) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (server met een GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (server met een GUI) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (Bureaubladervaring) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Bureaubladervaring) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (Bureaubladervaring) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (Bureaubladervaring) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (Bureaubladervaring) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (Bureaubladervaring) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
English (en_windows_all_with_update_aio_461in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Full Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Server Core Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Full Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Server Core Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Full Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Server Core Installation) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Full Installation) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Server Core Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server Core Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server with a GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server Core Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server with a GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (Server with a GUI) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server 2016 (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (Desktop Experience) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Desktop Experience) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (Desktop Experience) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (Desktop Experience) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (Desktop Experience) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (Desktop Experience) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
English (United Kingdom) (en-gb_windows_all_with_update_aio_404in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Estonian (et_windows_all_with_update_aio_410in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Finnish (fi_windows_all_with_update_aio_410in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
French (Canada) (fr-ca_windows_all_with_update_aio_219in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 10 Entreprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Entreprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Entreprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Entreprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Entreprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Entreprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Entreprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Entreprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Famille (x64)
Windows 11 Professionnel (x64)
Windows 11 Famille Langue unique (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 Professionnel Éducation (x64)
Windows 11 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64)
Windows 11 Professionnel Langue unique (x64)
Windows 11 Éducation (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Entreprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Entreprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Entreprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Entreprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Entreprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Entreprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64) - 1703
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
French (fr_windows_all_with_update_aio_457in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Édition Familiale Basique (x64)
Windows 7 Édition Familiale Basique N (x64)
Windows 7 Édition Familiale Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Édition Familiale Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professionnel (x64)
Windows 7 Professionnel N (x64)
Windows 7 Édition Intégrale (x64)
Windows 7 Édition Intégrale N (x64)
Windows 7 Entreprise (x64)
Windows 7 Entreprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Édition Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Édition Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Édition Familiale Basique (x86)
Windows 7 Édition Familiale Basique N (x86)
Windows 7 Édition Familiale Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Édition Familiale Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professionnel (x86)
Windows 7 Professionnel N (x86)
Windows 7 Édition Intégrale (x86)
Windows 7 Édition Intégrale N (x86)
Windows 7 Entreprise (x86)
Windows 7 Entreprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Unilingue (x64)
Windows 8.1 Professionnel (x64)
Windows 8.1 Professionnel N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Entreprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Entreprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Unilingue (x86)
Windows 8.1 Professionnel (x86)
Windows 8.1 Professionnel N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Entreprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Entreprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Entreprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Entreprise 2015 LTSB N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Entreprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Entreprise 2015 LTSB N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Entreprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Entreprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Entreprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Entreprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Entreprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Entreprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Entreprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Entreprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Entreprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Entreprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Entreprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Entreprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Famille (x64)
Windows 11 Famille N (x64)
Windows 11 Professionnel (x64)
Windows 11 Professionnel N (x64)
Windows 11 Famille Langue unique (x64)
Windows 11 Professionnel Éducation (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Professionnel Éducation N (x64)
Windows 11 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64)
Windows 11 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x64)
Windows 11 Professionnel Langue unique (x64)
Windows 11 Éducation (x64)
Windows 11 Éducation N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Entreprise à sessions multiples (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (installation compléte) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (installation minimale) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Entreprise (installation compléte) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Entreprise (installation minimale) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (installation compléte) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (installation minimale) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (installation compléte) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (installation minimale) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (installation minimale) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (serveur avec une interface graphique utilisateur) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (installation minimale) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (serveur avec une interface graphique utilisateur) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (serveur avec une interface graphique utilisateur) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server 2016 (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (Expérience utilisateur) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Expérience utilisateur) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (expérience de bureau) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (expérience de bureau) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (expérience de bureau) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (expérience de bureau) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Entreprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Entreprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Entreprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Entreprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Entreprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Entreprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Entreprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Entreprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Entreprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Entreprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Entreprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Entreprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Famille (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Famille N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Éducation (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Famille (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Famille N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Famille Langue unique (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel N pour les Stations de travail (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Professionnel Langue unique (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Éducation (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Éducation N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Entreprise pour bureaux virtuels (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
German (de_windows_all_with_update_aio_444in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Vollstфndige Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Server Core-Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Vollstфndige Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Server Core-Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Vollstфndige Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Server Core-Installation) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Vollstфndige Installation) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Server Core-Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server Core-Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server mit grafischer Benutzeroberflфche) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server Core-Installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server mit grafischer Benutzeroberflфche) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (Server mit grafischer Benutzeroberflфche) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server 2016 (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (Desktopdarstellung) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Desktopdarstellung) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (Desktopdarstellung) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (Desktopdarstellung) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (Desktopdarstellung) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (Desktopdarstellung) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Greek (el_windows_all_with_update_aio_410in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Hebrew (he_windows_all_with_update_aio_240in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Hungarian (hu_windows_all_with_update_aio_443in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (teljes telepэtщs) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Server Core telepэtщs) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (teljes telepэtщs) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Server Core telepэtщs) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (teljes telepэtщs) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Server Core telepэtщs) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (teljes telepэtщs) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Server Core telepэtщs) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server Core telepэtщs) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (kiszolgсlє grafikus felhasznсlєi fel№lettel) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server Core telepэtщs) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (kiszolgсlє grafikus felhasznсlєi fel№lettel) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (kiszolgсlє grafikus felhasznсlєi fel№lettel) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (asztali fel№lettel) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (asztali fel№lettel) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (asztali fel№lettel) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (asztali fel№lettel) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (asztali fel№lettel) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (asztali fel№lettel) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Italian (it_windows_all_with_update_aio_445in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (installazione completa) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (installazione dei componenti di base del server) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (installazione completa) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (installazione dei componenti di base del server) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (installazione completa) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (installazione dei componenti di base del server) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (installazione completa) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (installazione dei componenti di base del server) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (installazione dei componenti di base del server) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (server con GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (installazione dei componenti di base del server) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (server con GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (server con GUI) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server 2016 (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (Esperienza desktop) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Esperienza desktop) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (esperienza desktop) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (esperienza desktop) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (esperienza desktop) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (esperienza desktop) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Japanese (ja_windows_all_with_update_aio_275in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard ( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Server Core ) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise ( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Server Core ) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter ( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Server Core ) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 ( ) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Server Core ) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server Core ) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (GUI ) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server Core ) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (GUI ) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (GUI ) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server 2016 (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard ( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter ( ) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard ( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter ( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard ( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter ( ) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Korean (ko_windows_all_with_update_aio_326in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic K (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic KN (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium K (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium KN (x64)
Windows 7 Professional K (x64)
Windows 7 Professional KN (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate K (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate KN (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise K (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise KN (x64)
Windows 7 Starter K (x86)
Windows 7 Starter KN (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic K (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic KN (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium K (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium KN (x86)
Windows 7 Professional K (x86)
Windows 7 Professional KN (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate K (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate KN (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise K (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise KN (x86)
Windows 8.1 K (x64)
Windows 8.1 KN (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro K (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro KN (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise K (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise KN (x64)
Windows 8.1 K (x86)
Windows 8.1 KN (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro K (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro KN (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise K (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise KN (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise K 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise KN 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise K 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise KN 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard(Server Core ) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise(Server Core ) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter(Server Core ) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2( ) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2(Server Core ) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard(Server Core ) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard(GUI ) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter(Server Core ) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter(GUI ) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation(GUI ) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server 2016 (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter( ) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard ( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter ( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard ( ) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter ( ) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home K (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home KN (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro K (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro KN (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education K (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education KN (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise K (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise KN (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home K (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home KN (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro K (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro KN (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education K (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education KN (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise K (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise KN (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home KN (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro KN (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home KN (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro KN (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education KN (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise KN (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education KN (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise KN (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Latvian (lv_windows_all_with_update_aio_410in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Lithuanian (lt_windows_all_with_update_aio_410in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Norwegian (nb_windows_all_with_update_aio_410in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Polish (pl_windows_all_with_update_aio_443in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (instalacja pena) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (instalacja Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (instalacja pena) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (instalacja Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (instalacja pena) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (instalacja Server Core) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (instalacja pena) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (instalacja Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (instalacja Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (serwer z graficznym interfejsem uytkownika) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (instalacja Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (serwer z graficznym interfejsem uytkownika) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (serwer z graficznym interfejsem uytkownika) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (rodowisko pulpitu) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (rodowisko pulpitu) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (rodowisko pulpitu) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (rodowisko pulpitu) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (rodowisko komputerowe) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (rodowisko komputerowe) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_windows_all_with_update_aio_287in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Instalaчуo Completa) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Instalaчуo Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Instalaчуo Completa) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Instalaчуo Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Instalaчуo Completa) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Instalaчуo Server Core) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Instalaчуo Completa) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Instalaчуo Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Instalaчуo Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Servidor com GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Instalaчуo Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Servidor com GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (Servidor com GUI) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server 2016 (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (Experiъncia Desktop) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Experiъncia Desktop) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (Experiъncia Desktop) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (Experiъncia Desktop) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (Experiъncia com o Computador) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (Experiъncia com o Computador) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Portuguese (Portugal) (pp_windows_all_with_update_aio_453in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Instalaчуo Completa) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Instalaчуo Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Instalaчуo Completa) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Instalaчуo Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Instalaчуo Completa) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Instalaчуo Server Core) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Instalaчуo Completa) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Instalaчуo Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Instalaчуo Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Servidor com uma GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Instalaчуo Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Servidor com uma GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (Servidor com uma GUI) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (Experiъncia de Utilizaчуo) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Experiъncia de Utilizaчуo) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (Experiъncia de Utilizaчуo do Computador) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (Experiъncia de Utilizaчуo do Computador) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (Experiъncia de Utilizaчуo do Computador) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (Experiъncia de Utilizaчуo do Computador) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Romanian (ro_windows_all_with_update_aio_410in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Russian (ru_windows_all_with_update_aio_287in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Домашняя базовая (x64)
Windows 7 Домашняя расширенная (x64)
Windows 7 Профессиональная (x64)
Windows 7 Максимальная (x64)
Windows 7 Корпоративная (x64)
Windows 7 Начальная (x86)
Windows 7 Домашняя базовая (x86)
Windows 7 Домашняя расширенная (x86)
Windows 7 Профессиональная (x86)
Windows 7 Максимальная (x86)
Windows 7 Корпоративная (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 для одного языка (x64)
Windows 8.1 Профессиональная (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Корпоративная (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 для одного языка (x86)
Windows 8.1 Профессиональная (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Корпоративная (x86)
Windows 10 Корпоративная 2015 с долгосрочным обслуживанием (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Корпоративная 2015 с долгосрочным обслуживанием (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Корпоративная 2016 с долгосрочным обслуживанием (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Корпоративная 2016 с долгосрочным обслуживанием (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Корпоративная LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Корпоративная LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Корпоративная LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Корпоративная LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Домашняя (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Pro для рабочих станций (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Pro для одного языка (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Корпоративная (x64 - 21H2)
Многосеансовый режим в Windows 11 Корпоративная (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 11 IoT Корпоративная (x64 - 21H2)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (полная установка) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (установка Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (полная установка) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (установка Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (полная установка) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (установка Server Core) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (полная установка) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (установка Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (установка основных серверных компонентов) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (сервер с графическим интерфейсом пользователя) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (установка основных серверных компонентов) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (сервер с графическим интерфейсом пользователя) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (сервер с графическим интерфейсом пользователя) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server 2016 (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (возможности рабочего стола) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (возможности рабочего стола) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (возможности рабочего стола) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (возможности рабочего стола) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (возможности рабочего стола) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (возможности рабочего стола) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 1803)
Удаленный сервер Windows 10 (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 1803)
Удаленный сервер Windows 10 (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Домашняя (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro для рабочих станций (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro для одного языка (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Корпоративная (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Корпоративная для виртуальных рабочих столов (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Корпоративная (x86 - 21H1)
Slovak (sk_windows_all_with_update_aio_410in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Slovenian (sl_windows_all_with_update_aio_410in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Spanish (es_windows_all_with_update_aio_457in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (instalaciєn completa) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (instalaciєn Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (instalaciєn completa) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (instalaciєn Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (instalaciєn completa) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (instalaciєn Server Core) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (instalaciєn completa) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (instalaciєn Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (instalaciєn Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (servidor con una GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (instalaciєn Server Core) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (servidor con una GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (servidor con una GUI) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server 2016 (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (Experiencia de escritorio) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Experiencia de escritorio) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Hyper-V Server (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (Experiencia de escritorio) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (Experiencia de escritorio) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (experiencia de escritorio) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (experiencia de escritorio) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Spanish (Mexico) (es-mx_windows_all_with_update_aio_225in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Serbian (sr-latn-cs_windows_all_with_update_aio_11in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Serbian (sr-latn-rs_windows_all_with_update_aio_237in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Swedish (sv_windows_all_with_update_aio_443in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Professional N (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Starter N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic N (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium N (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Professional N (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate N (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 N (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 N (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro N (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Home N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 SE N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Education N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise N (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (fullstфndig installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Server Core-installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (fullstфndig installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Server Core-installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (fullstфndig installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Server Core-installation) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (fullstфndig installation) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Server Core-installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server Core-installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (server med GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server Core-installation) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (server med GUI) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (server med GUI) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (skrivbordsmiljЎ) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (skrivbordsmiljЎ) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (skrivbordsmiljЎ) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (skrivbordsmiljЎ) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (skrivbordsmiljЎ) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (skrivbordsmiljЎ) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S N (Cloud N) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Thai (th_windows_all_with_update_aio_252in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Turkish (tr_windows_all_with_update_aio_285in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Tam Y№kleme) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Sunucu ╟ekirdei Y№klemesi) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Tam Y№kleme) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Sunucu ╟ekirdei Y№klemesi) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Tam Y№kleme) (x64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (Sunucu ╟ekirdei Y№klemesi) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Tam Y№kleme) (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (Sunucu ╟ekirdei Y№klemesi) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Sunucu ╟ekirdei Y№klemesi) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (GUI'si Olan Sunucu) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Sunucu ╟ekirdei Y№klemesi) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (GUIsi Olan Sunucu) (x64)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation (GUI'si Olan Sunucu) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Standard (Masa№st№ Deneyimi) (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Masa№st№ Deneyimi) (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard (x64)
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Essentials (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Standard (Masa№st№ Deneyimi) (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (Masa№st№ Deneyimi) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (Masa№st№ Deneyimi) (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (Masa№st№ Deneyimi) (x64)
Azure Stack HCI (Core) (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Ukrainian (uk_windows_all_with_update_aio_252in1_x86-x64_v21.12.24.iso):
Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Windows 7 Professional (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 7 Starter (x86)
Windows 7 Home Basic (x86)
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86)
Windows 7 Professional (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x86)
Windows 7 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 (x64)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x64)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 8.1 (x86)
Windows 8.1 Single Language (x86)
Windows 8.1 Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x86)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (x86)
Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H2)
Windows 11 Home (x64)
Windows 11 Pro (x64)
Windows 11 Home Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 SE (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Education (x64)
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (x64)
Windows 11 Pro Single Language (x64)
Windows 11 Education (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64)
Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session (x64)
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise (x64)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1507)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1511)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1511)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1607)
Windowsа10 Education (x64 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1607)
Windowsа10 Education (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1607)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1703)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1703)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 S (Cloud) (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1709)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1709)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1803)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x64 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions (x86 - 1809)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1903)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 1909)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 2004)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 20H2)
Windows 10 Home (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x64 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Home Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Pro Single Language (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Education (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (x86 - 21H1)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (x86 - 21H1)
В сборке используется 3 версии загрузчиков - от Windows 8 x86 (build 9200) и 2 загрузчика от Windows 10 x86 и x64 (19044)
Загрузчик от версии Windows 8 x86 - предназначен для помощи установки данной сборки на старом железе, а загрузчики Windows 10 - не более современном железе.
С помощью загрузчика Windows 10 x64 - вам не удастся установить Windows 10 x86 (32-битной разрядности), а вот с помощью загрузчиков x86 - можно установить как x86 так и x64 версию Windows.
UEFI в данном сборки присутствует и работает, но можно установить только 64-битные версии Windows.


PS> С помощью данного образа, вы не сможете обновить свою операционную систему. Данная сборка предназначена только для установки с нуля.
PS2> Для экономии объема install.esd, в него вшиты только winRE от Windows 10 (19044), но это не помешает вам пользоваться режимом восстановления в Windows 7 и Windows 8.1.
Контрольные суммы:
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SHA-256: 45817b960c01c20c812334416de0d99c15c0489b539506aec67b1174f375a705

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SHA-1: e0b18194c1bfb20191b956f20efd9d037daa4f40
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SHA-1: ff47911cf220a13010d4d43eca498e7c81859a7f
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SHA-256: 71b900e5ed5b63e885f80e24b30abe49cc255c3e3f94159aad9d96658a4430ef

Windows ALL with Update (40 ISO) AIO (x86-x64) by adguard (v21.12.24) (Multi40).torrent
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2 MB

Статус: проверено (by Alexsandr4539 в 31-Дек-21 04:25)
Зарегистрирован: 31-Дек-21 04:24
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Размер: 1.603 TB | 
Скачать Windows ALL with Update [40 ISO] AIO (x86-x64) v21.12.24 [2021,Multi/Ru] торрент

Похожие раздачи


post 31-Дек-21 04:21 (спустя 2 минуты)

Сборка размером по меньше Windows ALL with Update [530in1] AIO (x86-x64) v21.12.15 - 32.59 GB


post 31-Дек-21 06:06 (спустя 1 час 44 минуты)

Mikaela Hyakuya
Так вы не качайте всё) Качайте только нужный вам язык. Например образы с русскими или украинскими версиями весят примерно по 40 гигов.


post 01-Янв-22 00:07 (спустя 18 часов)

Ого сколько!
Заберу образ с Ru версией и с Uk версией.

добавлено спустя 45 минут:

Наверное скачавших в этой раздаче всегда будет ноль ведь никто не будет качать всю раздачу, каждый качает только нужные образы)


post 02-Янв-22 23:13 (спустя 1 день 23 часа)

Ц Svetik1970 писал(а):

Наверное скачавших в этой раздаче всегда будет ноль ведь никто не будет качать всю раздачу, каждый качает только нужные образы)
Именно так и будет) Даже у меня не нашлось свободного места на одном диске на все 1,6 TB. Поэтому раздаю по просьбам разные образы с раздачи (они у меня по компу раскинуты)

Текущее время: 01-Июн 12:49

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